Ways of Seeing

Berger, John

Ways of Seeing - Penguin Books 2008 - 176p. 11.18 x 1.3 x 17.98 cm

Ways of Seeing (Penguin Modern Classics) is a history, theory and criticism book written by John Berger. This book is based on a TV show on the BBC TV series with John Berger. This book was also made with the help of Richard Hollis, Michael Dibb, Chris Fox and Sven Blomberg. It explores an exclusive way of looking at art. A person's vision comes before their words, that is, a child may see and recognize something before they can learn how to speak and say it. It is vision that creates and helps people understand their surroundings in the world. It helps readers place themselves in the world. Some try to explain the world with words but they cannot undo the fact that they are surrounded by it. The association between people's vision for something and people's knowledge for something is never established. It consists of seven essays with images and words. The first four are said to have both words and images while the other three essays only have images. This book has helped contribute to the feminist readings in pop culture. It has essays that spotlight the portrayal of women in oil paintings and advertisements.


Oil Paintings
Pop Culture
Visual Art
Women in Advertisements
Women in Oil Paintings

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